Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Christian Film Project underway!

Calling All Christian Film Artists!!!!

"Let the name of the Lord be praised, both now and forevermore!" Pslam 113:2

Seeking Christian film crew and actors to help create a powerful short story filled with the Word of God. Experienced filmmakers, editors, photographers and actors of all skill levels are welcomed!

*To be entered in Christian film festivals. Transportation is provided. *

Filming will tentatively begin in the middle of May/early June and shooting will last up to two weeks. Your time, knowledge and dedication will be greatly appreciated. With a strong cast and crew this will be an amazing outreach and overall experience!

Cast includes:

5 lead/supporting roles for women.

6 supporting roles for men.


Brief Description: A story, inspired by true events, about a young girl going through the struggles of losing loved ones. The story unveils her discovery of the Lord and His abundance of love as she trusts in him completely. The message coming across that God is always there for you with open arms.

If interested or if you have any questions please email me at: GrahamCakes@gmail.com Thank you and I look forward to working together!



"Now you are the body of Christ and each one are a part of it." I Corinthians 12:27

Hello there.

Hi fellow bloggers...bloggerers?....


Hmm what to say. I pretty much covered the basics in the 'About Me' section but I'm mainly here to read inspiring stories and hopefully blog some. I'd love to connect with other artists as well for upcoming Christian film/play projects that I'm often trying to do ^.^ If you live in New York or Maryland please feel free to contact me!

Alright well that's enough for now I guess.

be writing soon.

~Catherine ^.^