Tuesday, October 9, 2012

New Home Blues

Yep, that was the surprise. We have a house! I wanted to spill the news a few months back but life has suddenly become jam packed. Anyway, what seemed like a scary situation what with our Landlord taking back his apartment, turned out to be a total blessing in disguise! (I love when that happens ^.^) The house that we're moving in belonged to my Grandfather. When he passed back in 2004, my Dad has been renting it out (but why didn't we think of moving here in the first place???)...

Our new home though has unfortunately been let go and well...is in SERIOUS need of t.l.c. My husband and I thank God every day for this amazing gift but that doesn't change the fact that all the windows have cracks, the furnace saw it's last winter a year ago, the bathroom is like a scene from 'Texas Chainsaw Masacre', the closets can maybe fit our winter coats and boots comfortably, the yard is a jungle and our unwelcomed house mates are little not so cute spiders. I could go on but it would just make me more depressed. Oh the "joys" of owning a home.

Can you understand why I'm a little torn?

It's been a week and we pray that in a year we'll have made a decent dent in the renovation process.

Also, we got a puppy! (this will make the adventure all the more exciting!!!...right???)

But honestly, we are ridiculously excited about getting our little Pumpkin girl. We'll be getting her on Halloween so it just made sense to us to name her that. Ha!

Here she is...!


 Our little australian shepherd, see now why we're so obsessed???

Having the main chores done in the house have also become an added pressure before we bring her home. It's going to be a long road but no matter how bad it seems we remind ourselves how incredibly fortunate we are and how good God is. And we know that He will provide everything for us. Even the little things. I mean, He provided us a house when we thought all was lost, I don't think He'll be leaving us anytime soon!

Before and After pictures will be up. Eventually. (and more puppy pictures too!)

Chores today: Clean out more cobwebs, paint the closets, prep the walls in our bedroom, and make dinner....is it sad that my only time of rest lately has been at work?

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